it comes back like a hurricane

After a ridiculously long, um, hibernation from being creative in a hands-on, making sense, the past couple of weeks have woken me up fully and wonderfully. Not that I’ve actually created anything, yet, but the stage is set.

Craftcation Conference logo

Craftcation! A giant indie craft conference coming to MY area! MINE! I can walk to it from work, it’s that close. My sister from another mister, Pollyanna Cowgirl hipped me to the event, and is attending herself, which is fantastic. And I’m so glad I heard about it, because I talked about it with my friend E (who is a bigwig in Ventura Cultural stuff) who was all “oh, yeah, so you must have heard about the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild starting up, right?” WHAT?

Yes. Ventura Modern Quilt Guild. This is what I’ve been waiting for since the moment I moved back down here, nearly 8 years ago. Local people with the same goals and aesthetics with quilt design. I died and went to heaven, I did.

I got on board in time to attend the very first meeting, which was hugely successful. We have a creative goal for next month, we’re exhibiting our quilts at Craftcation, we show-and-telled, I tell you: heaven.

Oh, and we had the meeting at Superbuzzy.


I had briefly corresponded with Superbuzzy Kelly, way back before she had her mail order business, and it was a shock to see, years later, her honest-to-god storefront right in my town. It’s a great space full of notions and Japanese fabric and other absolute wonders. I am so happy her business has thrived and that there seems to be an explosion of interest in craftiness and non-tradition creativity in this local community.

Like I said, I have been waiting for this. I am so excited.

Oh! And my quilts are showing in another show next month! Stay tuned.


  1. Leanne on February 17, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    Wowzapalooza! Hambox jackpot!

  2. Violet on February 17, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    Well, isn’t this fantastic news! I guess I need to know about this Superbuzzy. It sounds fantastic. I am one-third through the only thing I know how to knit: a rectangle. It will be suitable as a scarf. Such is my crafting. But yay! And congratulations on showing your quilt again.

  3. hambox on February 21, 2012 at 11:42 am

    Thanks you guys! I actually got started on my quilt and got three people to sign up for Craftcation, holy crap! Holy craft?