like that shirt-stripping soccer player girl

My Nike Running system is going pretty well. The sensor in my shoe talks to the iTouch in my hand, then my iTouch talks to my online Nike account. I’m still having some issues with calibration, but overall I’m enjoying the Nike app. Several athletes, including Lance Armstrong (? isn’t he a bikey guy?), have congratulated me when I have reached speed or distance milestones.

I created an avatar on the Nike site, which accomplishes nothing but minor amusement.

My Nike Running avatar

Here she is in all her grouchy glory. I suspect I look eerily like this, especially in the early part of my run, while my horrible knees are warming up but still feeling like they’re going to snap like frozen fish sticks.

But then things suddenly got a little weird in alternative universe-land.

My Nike Running avatar gone wild

Excuse me, avatar, why are we suddenly shirtless? And apparently doffing our shoes, as well? Perhaps you should hold off on that bravado until you can run a decent 5k. Consider wearing a bra, too.


  1. Moya Watson on March 4, 2011 at 8:48 am

    You taunt, you tempt, but I REFUSE to make another comment about your chest areas darling! 🙂

    About THIS however:
    >>feeling like they’re going to snap like frozen fish sticks.

    mwah hahahahahaa!

    there is nobody and nobody who uses imagery — in all forms including digital, verbal, actable — as becky haycox does. hands down. always a delight when you share it!

  2. Heather on March 4, 2011 at 8:51 am

    Ha Ha Ha! That’s all I have to say, but if I try to publish just that, the site says my comment is too short, so I guess I’ll say it again: Ha Ha Ha! Tee Hee! Funny funny funny!

  3. Carol on March 4, 2011 at 8:58 am

    Again – titillating my friend. I am, however, seeing a trend.

  4. Bella Sirena on March 4, 2011 at 9:53 am

    Wow… you are so uninhibited when you run. I wish I had the guts to tear off my shirt in wild abandon and run like the wind!

  5. Jeanie Hays on March 4, 2011 at 2:05 pm

    Wow! Look at you go. Will the shoes talk to my Ipod or just the phone?