locked and loaded

The other night, while walking down the street with friends:

Becky: I’m wearing a new bra.
Talia: So am I!
Random eavesdropping dude on the street: Me too! Underwire!

Oh, underwear. One of the best things about visiting New York is staying with Tamar and Rich, not just because they are fab hosts and dear friends, but that they live in Jackson Heights, Queens. And in Jackson Heights is one of the best stores ever: Fever.

It is a small storefront on 82nd Street, and is not to be confused with Elegante, Half Fashion, or Leather Land USA — fine establishments also on 82nd.

Fever sells undergarments, accessories and pajamas. Fever is packed solid with the merch. Fever is the deal of the century. To wit, on this last trip I bought

  • Two bras
  • Six pairs underwears
  • One pair legwarmers
  • Two pairs tights
  • Two pairs fancy lace hosiery.

The total? Thirty two dollars. That’s enough, right there, to make me a lifelong fan. But the ambiance is so great, I’d pay twice. Often there are so many people crammed into the already-crammed store, it’s impossible to move. Spanish is the only language spoken — or shouted when need be. One of the employees is a surly ladyman that just wants you to get the fuck out of the way when s/he is stocking the pushups.

Oh my god, I love Fever.


  1. Han on January 8, 2011 at 9:18 am

    If you ever come to the UK, I will take you to Camden Market – it’s crazy just like that lol. There’s Cyberdog that sells like UV crazy clothes and plays really loud music ALL THE TIME and The British Boot Company who sell DMs in every colour and style imaginable. There’s the stables market which is like Vintage city lol. If thats your kinda thing but I think you would love it

    • hambox on January 9, 2011 at 11:43 pm

      I shall now dream of shopping with you at Camden Market. Why am I not there right now??

  2. Tamar on January 14, 2011 at 10:22 pm

    Fee-VAH! Is it any wonder that my apartment sounds like a bra size?

  3. hambox on January 14, 2011 at 11:04 pm

    MY bra size! Oh Fee-vah.