make funny pun replacing “so” with “sew”

I got interviewed by the VC Reporter for this article about the Craftcation Conference. The reporter writes a great paragraph about my giddiness about all the craftiness happening these days (as mentioned here):

February was a very good month for Port Hueneme resident Becky Haycox. In one prolonged moment of kismet, much of what had crowded her daydreams for eight long years had suddenly and almost magically manifested: An indie craft conference was coming to Ventura; superbuzzy (an online shopping oasis for Japanophiles who sew) had opened a storefront in midtown and the owner had formed a chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild.

“When I heard about Craftcation, I felt like the Mothership was coming home,” she said.

Love it! I don’t get to go to the conference yet (Saturday is my day — I do believe I get to take three two-hour sewing workshops .. for a start), so in the meantime I’ve been crafting my craftass off.

new pillows and quilt

Four pillows and a quilt. I’m throwing everything I got to cover up the awful, literal chintziness of that couch. It is all part of the Great Office Reorganization and, since the office is also the guest room, it is also preparation for hosting the (THE!) Pollyanna Cowgirl, who is here for Craftcation. My stars. Polly! Yay!

Completed concurrently with the above projects: another quilt.

binding the quilt

I packed it off as soon as it was done — it’s being exhibited at Craftcation! How many times can I mention Craftcation? — so photos of the completed quilt are still pending. Oddly, these two most recent quilts represent my favorite and least favorite pieces I’ve produced so far. As to which was which, that’s a post for a later date.

I am sad I’m only one of eight locals who are attending this sold-out conference, but I am going to shmooze the hell out of them! All over them! Ugh.

Anyway? That’s what I’ve been doing. Apart from a million other things. Did I mention sudden sad events, my brother’s visit tomorrow, my nephew’s surgery, my full time job?
