make it happen make it happen

I’m not all The Secret-style gaga about manifesting good things for myself through the power of visualization and positive thought.

However, I spend a couple minutes every few days trying to levitate, or (if that’s physically impossible) to have my soul-self rise above my body-self in the traditional out-of-body experience.

This usually occurs when I’ve just woken and am still in bed and groggy. I already feel quite light and almost disembodied and so I concentrate on rising … rising … rising!

So far, no dice, but I haven’t given up.

Oddly, I did have two out-of-body experiences previously, and neither were pleasant, so I don’t know why I’m trying for it again. The ingredients for those previous experiences had nothing to do with manifesting nor visualizing, and everything to do with a perfect storm of flu, vomiting, and fainting.

Aren’t you glad you asked? Oh, wait, you didn’t?

To end this post on a less gnarly note, I did some other attempts at manifesting on Friday night. The manfriend and I went to Hollywood Park racetrack to play the ponies and to see a concert by Rose Royce of “Car Wash” fame. Prince happened to be playing the Forum very close by at the same time — the venue was so close that we could see the show was letting out just as Rose Royce busted out their finale, which was “Car Wash” (of course!)

As we were urged to “keep those rags and machines humming,” I closed my eyes a moment and visualized Prince making a U-turn in his purple limousine and heading back over to Hollywood Racetrack stage. Once there, he’d mount the stage, grab the mic just as it was time to sing “Hey! Get your car washed today!” And maybe he’d do a little “pretending to buff a grille with a rag”-inspired dance step.

Shockingly, no dice on that one either. But looka what I did without even trying to manifest:

17 bucks won on two long shots at Hollywood Racetrack!

$17 won on betting on two long shots that came in the top three! Right after this picture was taken I manifested a large beer and bag of peanuts that wiped out my winnings, but was delicious anyway.

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