
I got some lovely things for my birthday. I had indicated that I did not want presents but would accept consumable and libations.

My friend Karin gave me a dozen bagels and a unbelievable schmear from a secret awesome bagel place out in the east county. Oh my god. So good.

brithday present

The flowers are from my friends Chris and Adrienne, except for the roses — those are from my man friend. He also took me out to a delectable Indonesian restaurant. Dammit! Still winning the man marathon!

brithday present

Other consumables gifted upon my unworthy self: a gift card to my favorite coffee shop (thanks, Jim and Cheryl!); a whooooole conga line of mojitos (thanks, zdoiwgiurpgoaweki); several meals (Turq! Linda! Carla and Jeanie!)

People who flaunted the rules and got me non-consumable presents: Tom and Sally, who gave me a Patti Smith photo book, my old roomie Tracy who sent me a Polaroid of us from 1991 (that’s going to be a separate post); and Cloudy!

She sent me a photo frame made by an artist who I admired when I was in Seattle two years ago, with a collage she made all framed up. So, so, so thoughtful!

brithday present

Oh, you must admire Narboo here.

Wow, this was such a great birthday! So great I’m still admiring its loveliness more than two weeks later! Thanks, everyone. Yet again.

Okay, I think I have blogged about my birthday enough. Maybe.