mini man marathon

So I went on three dates in four days. I really, really want to tell you all about them, but all of the menfolk involved know my full name and (presumably) how to use the internet, so, um, hi menfolk, if you’re reading this! I will be as discreet as my genetic makeup can allow.

All three guys were found through an online dating site. One of the dates was with a brand new (to me) gent. Another was with someone that contacted me through the dating site —  but we found out we actually know each other in real life. Another was with someone that I’ve been casually seeing for a few months.

All dates were very nice in their own ways. Coffee was consumed, hikes were hiked, gifts were given (thanks, LK!)

It can be kind of exhausting, though, being on one’s best behavior, coming up with conversation fodder, and answering questions in the best semi-honest and witty way possible. I also tire of wearing flattering clothing, which often is tighter and requires flab-roll monitoring.

But it’s worth it, because I actually kind of like kissing frogs.