mother and child re-oon-oon-yun
I’m taking a very brief break from blogging about the stress of packing/moving and/or about furniture (though, trust me, there is a cornucopia of posts lined up about those very tedious subjects).
However, since I don’t seem to have a lot of brain juice, I’m stealing a charming and short conversation seen on Facebook between a friend and his mom. The friend in question is an improviser I met briefly at a festival 7 years ago, but our Facebook friendship has blossomed and grown over the years. Enough for me to totally plagiarize his wit and not tell him about it. This exchange also made me realize that my own mother would have loved Facebook!
[names changed to protect … uh, me?]
Joe’s status: The future is happening right now. Just in time for me to be too old for it.
Joe’s mom: You’re just a young snapper
Joe: Mother, I, your youngest of spawn, am an old man. Therefore, you are now a historical landmark. We will keep you maintained and allow our children to climb on you.
Joe’s mom: They already climb on me and you have let my maintenance lapse! SERIOUSLY LAPSE!!
Joe’s friend: Please do not shout at the landmark.
Becky: you respect that landmark, olson!
Joe’s mom: I’m more of a landslide than a landmark!!! Love you BEST!!