music week! day 05

karl and jake get down
Music Makes Me Feel Alright!

Music and Internet are made for each other, like

  • Nick Drake and and Pissing-Down Rain
  • Trashy Mags and Cable TV
  • Drunk Dialing and Free Weekend Minutes
  • A Cupcake and Everything Else

Want proof? Read on, sugartits!

Mod-ified MusicA Sixties Pop Explosion!
Lordie, it doesn’t get better than this. Downloadable goodness, original cover scans, background info, with a focus on music from Southeast Asia. Modcentric, the genius behind this site, is based in Singapore, otherwise I’d bring her flowers weekly.

Bollywood for the Skeptical It will make you twice as cool as you are now
I have yet to become anything but the most marginal Bollywood scholar, but I can’t wait to dive in.

The Endless Groove — Gallery of New Wave Single Sleeves
Self explanatory. A walk down a neon-sprayed memory lane. Other interesting music-related nuggets in the E.G. archives.

This Day in Music the online record of 10,000 music facts
Timesucker. Important fact, the number one (US) song on the day I was born: Louis Armstrong’s Hello, Dolly. Could be worse!

UBUweb and The 365 Days ProjectDaily MP3 goodness
These projects provide daily downloads of the most delightful ear candy. Had to include these especially since I have an affinity for daily posting projects (witness NaBloPoMo and my post-a-picture-daily-for-a-year project*)

*that lasted one month.

The Essential Ghoul’s Record ShelfA song-by-song tour through pop music’s unexpected fascination with the ghastly and supernatural
Sites like these make me uncomfortable because this is the level of coolness I’d love to — but will never, ever — achieve. Carefully chosen, written well.. approaches the deliciousness of Mister Jalopy, my favorite internet man.

Bob ThompsonOverlooked genius of pop music
Mentioned previously in this post.

WFMUindependent freeform radio station broadcasting in New York City and Hudson Valley areas, and live on the web
Last and best. Proof:

  • Their blog is fantastic, addictive, intimidatingly cool — just the way it should be.
  • Completely listener supported.
  • Killer schwag.
  • Two of my closest friends are FMU DJs. They’re married to each other, and I married them! Hott.
  • Mr. Finewine’s Downtown Soulsville podcast turns my crappy commute into an ass-shaking rekkid party.
  • I got to be a guest on T’s program during this trip … if you want to hear that infamous show click here then access 10/23/00. God, I’m annoying. Better yet, access any other of her archived shows.

Now is the time to shake our mutual moneymakers.

Photo: karl and jake get down, by me! this was taken at the wedding of our friends, Tristy and Justin. Aren’t they the cutest?