myPhone: cheers

So here I am with an iPhone, after my Blackberry died. I mentioned in that post that there are a couple things I love about the iPhone. I’m trying to dig past my annoyances and find the positives:

  • I like not getting lost. I do not get lost as much thanks to the iPhone.
  • The camera is not bad, in a pinch.
  • The Nike+ Running app is great. Not only can I accurately track my routes and my runs, but if you see on Facebook that I’m on a run and like or comment on that post, I hear a cheering sound, real-time, while I’m running. Downsides: the Nike website interface is limited, and OH YEAH I STILL CAN’T RUN. Stupid hip!
  • I have an app with which I can easily track my menstrual cycle. If you’re a lady, you’ll know the many (awesome) reasons for why this is important.
  • Free data usage when one is in a wi-fi zone. Yeah.
  • I like the “Bell Tower” ring tone for my alarm clock. I feel like I’m waking up in a Blade Runner-style future Vienna or something.
  • Apps that make my life more paperless make my life nicer. Groupon, Google Maps, and various airline apps (that do away with boarding passes) spring to mind.
  • Shazam is amazing, although I don’t use it. I just love the fact that I have access to a little robot that can tell me what a song is if I hear it or sing it. C’mon, that is futuristic shit!