nag app
The problem with having a nutrition tracker app is having to track nutrition.
Alas, it must be done. The impulse control seems to be wanting to take the summer off. Lately I have found myself with delicious treats in my mouth — whoa, hey, how’d those get there?
Fortunately my physical health is good and I’ve been able to exercise regularly, so there has been no Insidious Upward Creep of the Poundage, but unless I am honest and a little strict with myself, it is only a matter of time. I sure wish that this weren’t the case, but Default Becky sure loves to lay about, pretending that delicious treats get in her mouth without any accountability on her part.
So, hello, mean little app. You are very good at telling me how many calories I can have, how many I have left, and when I’m Delicious Treating myself into caloric overload. You also motivate me to exercise more, so that I can squeeze in one more beer, one more candy handful or hunk of meat.
I do this tiresome tracking so that I can eat what I want at the key moments when I want to eat what I want (eg, 4th of July meat and pie party, romantic picnic with the boyf, drowning-sorrows night out).
So, I put the burden on the days that are the mundane, everyday days. Those are the days I can be disciplined, boring and a little deprived.
Now that’s livin’.