old school scandals

The New York Times is satisfyingly dishy today, the way gossip rags strive (but fail) to make one feel.

Firstly, Forty-seven-year-old interviews with Jackie Kennedy are being released and lordie she does not hold back. Indira Gandhi she calls a “prune,” MLK Jr. she calls a “phony”. And:

Of Madame Nhu, the sister-in-law of the president of South Vietnam, and Clare Boothe Luce, a former member of Congress, she tells Mr. Schlesinger, in a stage whisper, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they were lesbians.”

Read, and listen, here. I can’t wait for the whole shebang (so to speak) to be released Wednesday.

Secondly, Elizabeth Taylor’s possessions are going to be auctioned off in New York in December (field trip, anyone?) The slideshow is mouthwatering. Witness one caption:

There are the hot pants, lacy and scattered with daisies (at left), that she wore in 1971 to celebrate becoming a grandmother at the age of 39.

New York Times: “Grey Lady,” indeed.