gettin’ older! the perk edition

Scary facelift lady and her doctor
That’s Paulie and me (I am “Scary Facelift Lady”)

Perk of gettin’ older:
I’m so much less embarrassed by things that would have killed the younger Becky (discussed here).

There are people out there that do prefer more seasoned ladies to with whom to canoodle.

I am unable to be lazy, on the epic level to which I used to be capable. I can’t have a day/night long marathon of Just Laying Around (usually in bed, usually accompanied by nonstop recreational screen time). If I am motionless for too long, I cramp and ache and atrophy. Therefore, I require of myself more get-up-an-go than before. I also do some stretchy dance moves before sleep time (which are comical and no one in the world will ever, ever see them), which helps with the achiness.

The payoff of long-term friendships (including those with family members) is unmeasurable, deeply satisfying, and absolutely vital to me. There’s nothing like it.

There’s gotta be more (do you have one?), but gramma can’t think of any right now. zzzzz!


  1. Carol on February 11, 2011 at 9:14 am

    I have two to add actually.
    Perk: Patience. I find myself much more patient than in my younger days. I think this patience comes from the realization that we are all in this together and THAT realization comes from life experiences.
    My other is: Wisdom. I think aging also brings about a sense of calm and wisdom to see outcomes a little more clearly. I think it makes us kinder.
    Oh.. I don’t know. maybe it’s just the meds they give us.

  2. hambox on February 12, 2011 at 1:42 am

    Mm. I definitely have increased my sense of “we are all in this together” as I age, but unfortunately that has not made me more patient. I guess I can stand back a little more easily.

    YES to wisdom and kindness.

    And I realize I left an important one out. I feel utterly fearless at times. I don’t have as much free-floating dread. And more compassion. Sometimes!

  3. Carol Moore on February 12, 2011 at 7:10 am

    Sorry to post twice but I forgot to say…
    I still think Stupid should hurt.