person, animal in motion

I find it kind of amusing that animated GIFs are (and have been) so hot hot hot. I can see why; it’s easy to share moving images without having to have major video-downloading bandwith, or to have to worry about devices not having the proper software to play them.

I had to reteach myself to make them (thanks, Photoshop, for making it so damn easy).

Tiny Dancer GIF

I was photographing a work event yesterday and had my DSLR camera set to continuous still image shooting. During set up, and while the gym was momentarily empty, I asked my coworker to do a little dance. You go, tiny dancer! [direct link]

Werk it, black cat!

This is a GIF of a bit of video I shot a few years ago of Tamar and Rich’s beautiful model cat. I was tempted to include a caption at the very end saying “and THAT is how it’s done,” but that would make me a person who creates and posts a cat meme to the internet and I am not that person. PS I know I should make the GIF shorter but whatevs. [direct link]

Enough of this beginner’s crap. Let’s see some animated GIFs that rock my world.


bird ink

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Okay, and here’s another cat GIF. Okay. But what an excellent use of captions. Via Buzzfeed

wait a minute

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  1. Tamar on November 24, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    That’s my kitty! The one with no caption. I love the caption one. And the endless subway.