project curmudgeon

Boring Curmudgeon Topic A: Weather


That’s quite a palette of weather, no? Not quite as dramatic as the transition on the east coast last week from picture-perfect warm fall weather to the first recorded October snow in umpteen years, but c’mon, we’re in crappy, mild, we-complain-too-much Southern California.

Besides, today’s weather report fails to show the horrifying, blustery, stupid, hot, foul winds that are screaming through my neck of the county. And my neck. These are awful winds. I have grit in my mouth, and my babyfine hair is sticking out at all angles in a highly unattractive fashion. A colleague of mine did offer up an amusing image of her neighborhood’s jack-o-lanterns rolling and bouncing around in the street, dinging cars and scaring pets.

Boring Curmudgeon Topic B: Street Work or the Lack Thereof

The main street of the city in which I live is being repaved and traffic is being funneled down to half a lane. That area is always mucking about with street repair, which makes me cranky to begin with, but what I don’t get is that the street doesn’t look all that bad. Especially compared to the hideously pothole-ridden parking area behind my office, or the giant chasms that open up periodically on the main artery between my residence and my office. A few years ago, going to a job interview, I stepped in a sidewalk pothole and went down, hard, thrashing my knees. I ended up taking the job, a job I hated. The memory makes me mad because (since the pothole was on their property) I should’ve sued them instead.

Boring Curmudgeon Topic C: Time and Sleep

Things are busy, both socially (yay) and workwise (boo). I have to get up tomorrow at 6:00am, which is very unappealing to me. Of course, many people do get up at that hour with no adverse effects (eg, spontaneously exploding or breaking out in The Pox), but I am unused to it.

“Poor you,” I hear you saying. “You have to get up early once, such a hardship with your busy social schedule of drinking and eating.”

You’re right, so I’ll end here. I know when to stop before I overcurmudgeon.