seabreeze is right

I did actually make it to the Ventura County Fair yesterday. My friend Troy, who bought a full Fair pass (August 3-14), feels compelled to attend every moment when he is not at work. I borrowed a pass from Troy’s less-Fair-obsessed roommate, and we hit it.

As long as one remembers one’s “bundle up for any kind of weather!” San Francisco-style layering, I highly recommend going to a County fair when it’s grey and icky out. As uncomfortable as the stiff, chill breeze is to walk amongst, it cuts the Fair crowds to a pleasantly manageable level.

By far the most thrilling ride at the Fair this year was a foodstuff. From a local cupcakery, Troy and I sampled a savory cupcake. Garlic cake, sour cream icing, a touch of caramelized onions and bacon. So, the texture of the frosting and cake were fully cupcakey but the ingredients weren’t. It was really, really weird. My stomach mulled it over (along with the porkchop on a stick, deep fried peanut butter cup, and indian taco) for a good part of the night.

Hypnotist show, always a delight. Extra bonus of sitting near a dude who accidentally got hypnotized in the audience.

accidentally hypnotized dude at the vc fair

I enjoyed watching everyone on stage mimicking the dancing motions of a sock monkey that the hypnotist wielded.

I’m going back on Friday to watch a friend participate in the karaoke contest on the Seabreeze stage; wanna come with?


  1. Jefffro on August 11, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    Yes! Oh….wait….I am the one doing the karaoke! Cool! See you then!