seattle ho [that’s me]

On the week of June 11, I am being sent to represent Ventura Area TheatreSports at the 10th Seattle International Festival of Improvisation! I just got the festival schedule, so this is the time to fire up the blog.I’m excited, nervous.. I guess I am what you can call “a-twitter”. This is an ambitious fest and it’s a full week of workshops and shows. Of the 30-ish attendees [from Sweden, Japan, Canada, Australia, England, USA, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Slovenia & Italy], I recognize one name, that of the awesome improv titan Trenton from San Diego. If I only know one person, this is a verrry good person to know.

I’m staying in a hostel. Dibs on the bottom bunk!

I love preparing for travel. My suitcase and carryon are out and being prepped; shoes are being decided upon; weather consulted. The email from the fest organizers indicate they need my itinerary, my dietary restrictions and suggest I bring my sneakers for the softball game. Softball? Oh, haha, Seattle. You so don’t know me yet.

I’m not sure what is public info yet, so I’ll wait to list exactly who’ll be teaching and what’ll be happening. I just know that this is going to be such a wonderful experience, for me, for VATS.. I am hungry to learn and to bring back the wisdom of this multi-culti community.

And I’ve managed to show you almost all the shoes/accesories I’ve acquired lately, except for these and these [which are too small and going back!] And yes, I’m mad for Steve Madden shoes, even though Steve himself is one corrupt mofo!