so tie tie

Me, yesterday afternoon

As I’ve hinted, it’s been a hell of a week — at least socially. I got very little done otherwise. Oh, except for iced beverages and restaurant dining for every meal and clothes shopping and maybe some smooching. Apparently I’m taking a spring break. Girl Gone Wild!

Now I’m running on the proverbial fumes. Yesterday I was so tired that I had to lie on the floor of the office and nap, right in front of my coworker. I just sunk to the ground went to it, very similar in fashion to this baby elephant (you need to watch this baby elephant):

[direct link]

When I’m this far gone the exhaustion takes on a life of its own and gets mean, pulling the stuffing out of my well-being as fast as it can. I lose sense of proportion and perspective and all the useful P words. I start to feel hopeless in an epic, no-turning-back kind of way. It’s similar to when I get very, very hungry, except that the blood sugar panic is replaced with a subdued desperation.

The upside is that this situation is easily remedied with my nice bed and a fairly unscheduled weekend. My well-being actually starts to refill even before I sleep, knowing that I’m lying here all nice and pajama-ed and ready to rock the dream world.

Mimi Smartypants, as usual, describes the Black Hole of Tiredness extremely well:

I don’t know if you have the same violent mood-swing issues that I do, but I was bustling around the house feeling very useful and good, and then I was sitting here computering for a while, and suddenly it was like a giant butterfly net scooped me up and threw me into an old mayonnaise jar, and didn’t poke any holes in the top of the jar, and everything started to look cheap and two-dimensional and relentlessly ugly and pointless, and I could feel my shoulders creeping up around my ears and my brow starting to furrow, and thus I literally had to drop everything and with a firm sense of purpose did not pass Go, did not collect any warm human feelings, but went straight to the bedroom and crawl under the blankets. Ninety minutes later I was a much nicer person.