stimuli, economic and otherwise
Thanks for your birthday wishes, your gifts, your treats, and your overall awesomeness. Yesterday was a fine fine day and there are more fun times to come, though in the future I might consider the radical concept of my special day lasting just 24 hours.
My birthday is a loaded time, mostly due to the fact that Mother’s Day comes right on its heels — a happy-to-sad downshift that messes with my head. But I’m learning to just sit back and absorb the love that is so readily handed to me by my incredible friends and family — people who are willing to toast, fete, drink and cake me until this cow waddles home and curls up in bed with some Pepcid AC.
As a gift to myself (and as a gift to you, too, really) I reinvested in America itself by spending the snot out of my Economic Stimulus Package. I almost went for the hooker-cocaine combo (another stimulus package entirely), but decided at the last minute to purchase a Mac Mini. You’re welcome! I also bought a wireless keyboard using the one and only payment from my blogging gig, which is all over now — more accurately, they’re all over now. Pop!
Image: I has too much birfday from Thanks, Violet, for sending me this apropropopro photo.
Related (birthday-wise) hamblinks: