sweet-ass ride
Yikes! I bought a car! One of the many to-dos on my bulky to-do list was removed today, thank you very much.
My elderly Saturn was quietly but firmly telling me that its life was coming to an end, what with every indicator light flashing every time I turned the key in the ignition. Not to mention the horn honking randomly by itself. Not to mention the cracked and crumbling windshield.
This one, a Toyota Camry, is even more old than the Saturn, chronologically, but is in much better shape. It also has one of those power V-whatever engines. I found myself driving 80 in a 45-mph zone at one point.
It’s amazing how quickly and efficiently people will take your money when you say “I’ll take it.” I reckon it was less than 1.5 hours between the Boyfriend idly saying “hey howsabout we browse some used cars” and me driving triumphantly homeward, playing with the A/C and electric windows and, yeah, driving 80 in a 45 zone.
I was very close to test driving a 1985 Jaguar XJ6 (also in the poor person’s low-four-digit price range), it was so cute and interesting and I have never owned a cute and interesting car, and, oh my, what fun it could’ve been. But no, Sensible Brain won, again, and so it is. Plain and sturdy. Except for the speedometer going all the way to 150. There is that.