taken in again by the fabness of it all

This season of Project Runway is very, very good. There was a period of time where I doubted it would ever be satisfying watching, ever again. So kudos to whomever that pulled their shit together to bring it back and make it completely compelling TV.

I watched the latest recent episode with the most delicious feeling — this is when it gets good, when there’s a handful of designers left, enough time has passed so that we feel a personal investment in them, that there’s more screen time devoted to the process and creation of pieces. I am absolutely savoring it.

A few things I’m doing differently this year that has enhanced the experience: I stopped reading the Blogging Project Runway blog and the plethora of recaps; I watch it online on the weekends when I’m in a good space and can really pay attention; and I avoid anything website or social network that may contain spoilers after the episode has aired. Oh, and I’ve abandoned my stance that “my GOD those judges are so crazy and wrong!” which was everyone’s chant last season. They are who they are.

This season also contains two humans I have megacrushes on, Anya and Viktor. I’m right on board with Paulie’s assessment of Anya, who is beautiful, flawed, exotic, talented and determined. I also get a little dizzy when I regard her personal style, it is that good. And Viktor is exactly the boyfriend I would want if I were a gay man and about 25 — he’s cute, offbeat, smart.

In fact, all the remaining contestants seem to shine with a sort of calm intelligence. Even when there’s bitchiness or drama, it seems like we’re refreshingly free of redneck shit-stirrers that populate every other reality program. I do miss the big personalities (like the wondrous Season Two cast), but when they’re the wrong big personalities (see the Lawsuit Seasons 6/7), I’ll take smarts and relative quiet any time.

And, of course, Tim Gunn.

It’s a perfect package!

Past Project Runway posts: