tale of two to-dos
This is my sister’s to-do list that she created while visiting me last month.
Organized, aesthetically appealing — and most importantly, all of the to-dos have been efficiently checked off. That is the way of my industrious yankee kinfolk.
Let’s compare that list with this … thing.
This is a bag of old, used up cosmetics that I have been carrying amongst my possessions for a few years. Well, 10 years. Actually, 12 years. OKAY, SIXTEEN YEARS. Sixteen years I have hauled around these MAC makeup items. Since the middle of the 1990s, when light blue lipstick was a fashion choice. Yes, there is a light blue lipstick in there.
There’s a reason for being the crazy MAC hoarder lady. This is part of my to-do list. You can trade in your old MAC cosmetics for new cosmetics — six old ones gets you one new lipstick. This exchange has been on my to-do list through 16 years, 7 moves and 4 cities.
And, finally, finally, today it happened. I’m now the proud owner of two brand new MAC lipsticks, $28 value!
So, that’s one thing checked off my to-do list. Yay me!