thank you for all the patience practice

Things have been a little rough lately. I received really unwelcome news last week that I can’t discuss here.

Then, this week. It sure was fun when my home improvement was centered around picking colors and replacing light fixtures. It’s not so fun when a sudden plumbing problem dominos into hundreds of dollars worth of repairs of crumbling, poorly installed, leaky ridiculousness. Not that I wasn’t warned about the dark side of homeownership by lots of people who delight in making people feel bad.

Add that to the yearly holiday blues (arriving exactly on time two days before Thanksgiving, thank you so much, brain) and uhhhh bluuuuuuurrrrgh.

Not to mention the sense that the world is spiraling downward fast. How many shootings, erosions of rights, terrorist acts, total injustices, need to occur before we all get off our Facebook-numbed asses and act?

That is all. Not a good couple of weeks.

However, the title of this post is not entirely sarcastic. I have been working hard on at trying to co-exist with unpleasantness. OMG, this is just a nitwitted post. Done!