Thank you, I could not have sead it better my self.
Oh how could I just cold-turkey-trot away from the daily postings? M. Kennedy very nicely whipped up this icon for us. I won’t know if I won anything till Monday. I reckon my chances are somewhere between winning the lottery and dying alone.
I give you a first of the month reminder: for all “Devil’s Cake” posts, there is a special password that I will happily give to you if you ask for it. It is a daily chronicle of my attempts at a food and fitness regimen. I make jokes that it is painfully boring, and well, it is. It’s also a little harrowing at times, if you like harrowing. And inspiring? Highly doubtful.
For all other protected posts, the password is my middle name (7 letters). These entries are far more interesting, and you’re welcome to read them. They’re just not for strangers.
BTW, I’m starting to get spammed in the comments, mostly from online medication peddlers. The funniest thing is that there are quasi-commentlike sentences included (like the one in the post title), as if I would be so stupid as to think they are real comments and approve them. To wit:
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Yuck, spam. I may have to start closing comments, or figure out how to add a verification feature in WordPress.
That’s all! Oh, except: I got paid and ordered my boots!
Hey – how the heck did they figure out how to spam comments?!? I got two of them, and I was all excited, and then confused because they merely spit out what I already wrote. I know, I’m not making sense, but it doesn’t make sense to me either! 🙂