that stylish extra

Ringo and stylish extra in "A Hard Day's Night"

Ringo and stylish extra in "A Hard Day's Night"

I have always loved this girl in “A Hard Day’s Night.” This is the part where Ringo escapes from the Beatles and dresses in disguise so that he can live the day as a normal chap. Here, he says hi to this girl to see if she recognizes him as Ringo, but she tells him to sod off, instead. You can see Ringo approaching her, about to get shot down.

She is one of my style beacons. Hers is a look that I’ve had in my arsenal for my whole adult life. Pegged jeans tucked into black boots, duster, loose top, handbag, cute bob. She looked fresh in 1964, and in 1985, and in 2011. I love her. Not only is her look a classic/mod one, but look at what she’s doing. She is thrifting!

Update! Thank you to sweet Roger for finding her name! Geraldine Sherman! Does life get any, any better?


  1. Roger Freedman on October 12, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    Excellent insight! The actress who played your style beacon is Geraldine Sherman (