the coffee shop around the corner from my office


I ordered a Red Eye from the guy behind the counter. The girl making it didn’t understand his code, but I kind of like it.

A Red Eye is a regular coffee with a shot of espresso added to it. I drink this a lot. Usually with a tiny whisper of cream and a dash of Splenda.

These are the drinks I regularly order, from most- to least frequent:

  • Regular coffee, black
  • Regular coffee, dash of cream and a dash of Splenda
  • Red Eye
  • Latte with soy milk
  • Iced coffee, dash of cream and a dash of Splenda (will work its way up the list as the weather warms)
  • Latte with rice milk
  • Decaf coffee, black
  • Decaf coffee, dash of cream and a dash of Splenda
  • Irish Breakfast Tea, liberal splash of half and half and a teaspoon of sugar
  • Fancy hippie wildberry tea, liberal squeeze of honey
  • Horribly sweet caramel/sea salt latte, with soy milk and a side of regret