the housecleaning extends to the electronic

gasmaskHi! How’s the summer going for you? Mine has been great! I do, however, sport the pallor of an agoraphobic, with all my home organizing (and now quilting) keeping me indoors a tetch too much.

Whilst I remedy that this fine August by strapping on the sneakers and heading out on a walk by the ocean I live next to (for crying out loud), going to the Fair, and generally fal-der-ee-ing my way around my beautiful town, I shall engage in a housecleaning of a different kind.

My blog’s “Drafts” folder is full of half-assed, half-started posts, and I plan to purge purge purge this month, and post daily whatever dribs and drabs that might be of interest. By the end of August, there will be no saved Drafts. That outta make NaBloPoMo extra-challenging, yay!

I have an extraordinarily busy day today so this post will have to stand in for real content.

But here! Here’s a picture of a puppy!!


Gasmask photo: Gasmask by Fenchurch!

Puppy photo: Gus the Puppy by Dustin. Thanks for letting me use them!


  1. cloudy on August 1, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Drafts folder?? You mean you think about stuff before you post them?? August is going to be fun now, yay! And thanks for the puppy pic, I love him so much!! Can I keep him?