the sinister one

I have been enjoying the Latin American travelogue of FlipFlopFlyin‘s Craig Robinson. He just got into São Paulo after bouncing around Belize and Panama. His observations are wry, British, occasionally cranky, and often funny. I recommend combing his long, lustrous archives.

It’s his little observations that I like. After a hellish layover in Panama City, he finally gets on his flight to Brazil:

As i type, there’s a left-handed brother on the seat opposite me. But he’s one of those lefties that writes like he’s got a lobster claw instead of a hand, so I will give him a withering look for letting the side down.

Awww. My thoughts immediately turn to my dear brother Peter, who is afflicted with that lobster-clawish, curled-hand lefty writing style, which results in laborious (but cute) downhill-racing block letters.

I am amused but a little alarmed at the thought of a caste system amongst the lefthanded. Should I be worried? Lefties?

photo: leftist tattoo, originally uploaded by keeping it real. thanks for letting me use it!


  1. Parker on February 20, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    speaking of lefties, a couple friends put this together: