i write the songs that make the audience of one sing
Neil Diamond just went public with the fact that he wrote “Sweet Caroline” for Caroline Kennedy. He came out with it at her 50th birthday party. I hope she was pleased about this. So, let me get this straight: Judy Blue Eyes is about Judy Collins; Carrie Anne is about Marianne Faithfull; You’re So Vain is about either Warren Beatty or Mick Jagger (right? Carly?)
Add me to the list of muses that have brought forth songs from the brains of musical men — three of them! Sadly, none of these songs were hit singles, nor does anyone really care that they were written about me.
It’s a double edged blade, being the source of sweet, lyrical inspiration. I’m burdened forever with identifying with these songs, and am paranoid that, while these tunes cast me in a somewhat flattering light, there might be scores more that are distinctly in that “what a bitch” category.
Of course, what this all really indicates is that I am a serial-dater of musicians, or “groupie,” if you will. Sigh.
I have to shyly draw a veil over the details about the men or the songs. Instead, I will spontaneously write a tune about me! Feel free to grab an ocarina, a couple spoons, or that conga that’s gathering dust in the corner of your cubicle. I have included suggested dance moves, as well. Play along, now!
Hey Hambox! Hey Hambox!
From the banks of the Charles River
Came a baby that set the world aquiver
It’s Hambox! {jazz hands}
It’s Hambox! {shimmy}
It was when she lived in Arizona
That she became an angry lone-a
Blame her mom and dad’s divorce
And that they never gave her a horse
So angry! {Rockettes kicks}
So bitter! {human pyramid}
Then onto to chilly Syracuse
And ex-per-i-men-tal drug abuse
California was less of a bummer
She dated drummer after drummer
Oh Hambox! {glaring}
We’re done! {shuffling out the door}
This shit’s easy! Let’s start a band, ‘k?
[I know, I didn’t live in Syracuse. Bronxville is hard to rhyme, even in my genius brain]
nablopomo 07 day 29
Any song that has jazz hands must be a #1 single.