this is judy a soil blood poesy

Becky: for pete’s sake, iphone, why in the world would you autocorrect “okeedokee” into “pleadings”??

Sarah: I gotta get one of those iPhones

Katherine: I can’t right the word “just” without it correcting it to “Judy”. And I can’t write “Judy” without it becoming “just”. So I’m Judy going to have switch those two words in my vocabulary.

Becky: KK, i’m going to have to tell Just Gottlieb about that. And SB? As my friend Molly says, it’s the biggest ripoff you can’t live without.

Sarah: I judy want autocorrect mishaps. They make me giggle

Becky: well pleadings, go right ahead

Ellen: I love autocorrect and it’s random choice of vocabulary. Recently, I got háçek for have. Try to spell that one out on your own!

Richard: Autoprotection luckies big swine!