this post already dates itself

Another subject suggestion from WordPress Postaday 2011:

Pick something that annoys you and redesign how it works.

The annoyance. Easy. The lunacy of trying to gather together a list of people on Facebook. The whole Group and Page (and now Place) thing started off screwy, and evolved into a monstrously mutated process. I rue the day I started a group instead of a page.

In order to close a GROUP, you have to remove each individual member (clicking again to confirm, each time — fun when you have 400 members), then remove yourself. Now I have to create a PAGE because the PLACE (which was autogenerated by FB without informing me) is not the same as a PAGE then after I create the PAGE I have to merge the PLACE and the PAGE. But even though they tell you there’s a button to merge the PLACE and the PAGE, there is none.

Oh, and don’t remove yourself as admin from a GROUP before you delete all the members, because that GROUP will then live on, with utterly no way to get back to being an admin, and will confuse everybody who tries to find your business. They’ll join the GROUP instead of the PAGE and that’s WRONG.

Lameness heaped upon lame.

My friend Jefferson commiserated: “I recently experienced this infinite loop of lame.”

The redesign. Force everyone to migrate their groups into pages (then get rid of groups), and give admins the options to automatically merge their place and page info with a simple button. ALERT the admin of a page when a place is auto-generated. Figure out a way to limit multiple pages with the same name or subject matter.

Give admins real admin privileges. Let us batch-edit members and their access to the page. Give us the option of moderating comments. And why can’t page members have a “suggest to friends” option? If you’re surfing Facebook as your page, why are your commenting/browsing options limited?

Stop changing things around. Fix the help section, expand it, answer questions every once in a while, and accept a user knowledge base. Let us help you evolve the site. Or we will run after you with hatchets.


  1. Carol Moore on April 12, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    Whoa, so many words, so little understanding. What are these F keys for again?