timed challenge

I am suffering from a pinch of writer’s block and a dash of inertia. I have several saved drafts and very little gumption. It’s getting nervous-makingly late in the day.

So, I just set my alarm for five minutes and am just typing until it goes off.

I noticed how happy I felt today, supporting and coordinating a project at work that has a tight and almost ridiculous deadline. I have to admit I enjoy crunchtime. Well, and we’re not just piloting a disaster or a barely-good-enough project; this thing we’re working on is turning out beautifully. It’s nice when the bits plop into place. Ew, sorry.

A young gent who is a companion to my Elderly Relative a couple times a week brought a jigsaw puzzle for them to work on. I think the housekeeper/caregiver, companion himself, and I were the only ones who worked on it; it was amusing to see the housekeeper jump up from the table when I got home, interrupted after being hopelessly engrossed in finding the bits of curtain for the part next to the window, or the teddy bear on the shelf.

So, yeah, I work well under crunch time and enjoy when things fall into place.

Time’s up! Blog post: done.