united airlines: you suck!!

So I missed my 6am flight thanks to a minor error that escalated into a major, tangled, foul knot. I travelled to Colorado to try to get to Santa Barbara on time to get to this wedding. There were tears, there was epic driving, there was gratitude at the last-week Becky for planting some wedding-ready clothing at cousin Laurie’s house in LA.

I made it to half the wedding and it was well worth it. Everything (esp. bride/groom) was beyond beautiful. Lots of improvisers there, including the freshly-hitched Floyd, my VATS crew, and Dan O (about to head to the World Cup of TheatreSports in Germany!) There are just a few pics on my flickr site; I was too busy stuffing food into me to behave like a normal, picture-taking wedding guest.

I don’t want to go back to my regular life. I want to travel the world and improvise.