walkies! no, runnies

There is a beach park near where I live that I just love. It’s pretty, but a little industrial, and kind of weird. Just when you start thinking the smokestacks ruin the view and that there’s an odd smell in the air, you walk out on the pier and the water is a deep peacock color, the pelicans glide by, and you think “wow.” Walk a little further down the promenade and you’ll see stacks of freight and fleets of cars waiting to clear US customs; a dozen feral cats; and a 20-foot tall working lighthouse.

It’s grandly odd. It’s my kind of place.

I’ve been putting on my little sneakers and a doing the middle-aged lady power walk there on the weekends, when I’m too lazy to get out of bed for my 10:30 am yoga class (gee, my life is stressful). At the end of January I surprised myself by breaking into a trot for about half a mile. I did not appear to die nor did my knees crack apart like poorly fired pottery.

So, I tried it again for a little longer. Then I fired up MapMyRun.com so I could accurately figure out the mileage of the area. Then I tried it again for a little longer.

Then last weekend I committed to running a 5K in July. That’s only 3 miles — that’s doable, right? Especially if I get a t-shirt? Or maybe a better question is what the hell did I just say yes to?

Today (I’m writing this on 2/8) I slow-jogged 1.8 miles and the world did not end, in fact, it kind of went okay, apart from some creaky knee action. I am trying to not get psyched out by the uber-fit hot moms and Navy robots almost literally flying past me; instead, I enjoy the smiles and the thumbs-up of the friendly weirdos, seniors and drunks that glimpse me slowly trundling by.

I wasn’t planning on sharing this running thing here or with anyone else (at least for now) but in a moment of weakness, this is what I posted on Facebook — and here are the responses:

Becky: I ran 1.8 miles today! Well, it was more of a “dinosaur-like lumber”, but still.
Danny D, Carla, Adriana, Amanda, Heather and 15 others like this.

Adrienne: Right on, mama!

Becky: thanks! my knees are sooo mad at me.

Ellen C: It’s 1.8x farther than I ran. You goooooo!

Charlotte: That’s awesome! You go girl!

Becky: Wow, I should carry these comment and Likes with me next time I run — you people motivate me! xoxoox

Ellen C: I’m now going to run 1.8 feet.

Bella: Wow, you’re brave. I refuse to run… unless I’m running for The Office of Awesome or something.

Ellen L: I find a different part of my anatomy gets cranky when I try to run- the parts that bounce, bounce, bounce, from my navel to my chin.

Ellen L: Actually I’m with you, Bella- I’ll run when a large out of control semi is bearing down on me, but that’s about it.

Ellen L: And Becky, I’m very very proud of you. Let us know if you can walk tomorrow.

Mariella: I applaud you, no matter how extinct your stride!

Gwen: Hooray!

Jerusalem: One mile at a time, slow and steady! Good for you Becky!

Heather MM: re: you should carry these with you – I totally use facebook to drum up cheerleading when I am feeling maxed out. Print it, fold it up, carry it with you. I had one laminated. I’m not kidding.

That’s a pretty awesome amount of support; in fact, it’s one of my most commented-upon and liked status updates! All for less that two little miles. So nice. Does that mean my friends will cheerfully volunteer to hand me little cups of water and look the other way when I puke on their shoes at the 5K?

Ooof, I’m flashing back to being at the finish line at the Boston Marathon when I was about 13, waiting with my family for my uncle, who was competing. I had never seen anyone puke before, and MAN did I see people puke — rolling around on the street, moaning and heaving. And yes, someone vomited on my shoes.


  1. Han on February 9, 2011 at 8:15 am

    I walked a 5K for Breast Cancer research – me and my Mum have done it twice. The first time we did it was after our friend Jenny was given the all clear and was in remission from breast cancer. We then did it again last year because although you cross the finish line and question why you did it you know that you did something good and it’s helping other people’s “Jenny’s” (if you get me) AND we beat out PB so if thats not a reason to do it a third I dunno what is lol (On the other hand Jen did the 5k run last year and she’s training for a half marathon now – that women is unstoppable!)

  2. Becky on February 9, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    Go Jen! Wow! And great for you and your mom to make a difference. This motivates me!