we will now come to session
So much has happened during and after the Era of The Hambox Advent Calendar, but I felt curiously restricted from writing a real blog post during that time. Or maybe it was a reaction against NaBloPoMo from the month previous. At any rate, I am relieved that required daily posting of any kind is over.
So, this past month I:
- Cooked sweet potatoes for the first time ever
- Soaked and cooked navy beans for the first time ever
- Took full advantage of the insane deals that several (going out of) businesses offered up. Recession is the golden age for bottom feeders.
- Rode the world’s longest aerial tramway [see above pic]
- Stood in front of a judge and said “Guilty, Your Honor”
- Got a professional haircut for the first time in more than two years
- Danced the Robot with my nephew [stockinged feet on tile floor highly recommended]
I also had a handful of folks over for a gathering. I am not allowed to hold parties in my apartment, so the group that assembles from time to time in my place have taken to referring to it as a “Board Meeting.” We need to have a story ready, just in case my property manager swings by. Last year, the nonprofit on whose board we served was a program that taught, as I remember, creative writing to criminals.
This year, the imaginary nonprofit was “Mittens for Kittens” – in which we combat the sad problem of over-cold feral cats by manufacturing and distributing paw-wear.
I am proud to say that our Board Meeting was a huge success. We moved to eat and drink, and voted to eat and drink more, and increase expenditure for food and alcohol.
I’ll post some more about my nice New Mexican Christmas, but not today. Or maybe I will. I am FREE to do what I WANT.
Welcome back. I like your winter gear.
Thank you! I missed you! That coat is huge and heavy and can only be busted out in temperatures under 30 degrees. Needless to say it’s in great shape, due to its infrequent use.
That picture was taken in -3 degree weather!
Let freedom ring!
I look forward to reviewing the minutes of this meeting. I had to leave before the final budget vote.