winging my way

Getting up at Painful O’Clock sucks, no two ways about it. Especially getting up for the privilege of a $40 cab ride, being selected for an extra-special TSA body inspection, and being jammed in a truly inhumane lack of personal space. Seriously, man ahead of me, he’s in my lap and not in any good way.

I apologize that I’m wandering into Seinfeld-esque observational humor airspace (without the humor). Shoot me down!

Besides, I got put in my perspective place by the cab driver at 5:45am. He asked my travel plans and I gave him the gist (from SoCal, two weddings, two cities). He said, with a charming accent, “Ah! You are having fun! A beautiful woman, having fun, seeing friends! You are so lucky!”

Word, dude. And I will tell anybody reading this: be effusive to a stranger sometime; call her beautiful even with wet head and 5:45 am syndrome, remind her she is lucky, and you will make her fucking day.


PS I just arrived and I am soooo excited!!