yours if you want it: suede jacket

I am engaged in the very bad habit of bidding for leather jackets on eBay. It’s just too seductive, the decent prices and the promises of glamor, or something. I have to stop. I have to stop.

So far I have won and received two that have not worked out. The first was so close, but just a little wrong; the 80s vibe so cute in the photo was a little, um, intense in real life. That one got grabbed at that clothing swap I attended.

The second one came the other day. Very cute but not the right size. I am a little too lush for it.

If you are willing to pay for shipping, I will send it to you. First person who comments who wants it, gets it. After I send it, you can reimburse the real cost of shipping through PayPal.


It’s in great shape. It’s marked as “medium” but it is definitely on the small side, and is a slim cut.

Cribbed from the eBay description:

Black suede jacket made by Wilson’s Leather. The jacket has beige stitching all around the jacket and a tie belt for a cinched waist look. The jacket is about 28 inches long from the neck to the bottom and has gold satin lining.

Take it! Take it from me! And look away from the THREE metallic leather jackets I’m watching on eBay!


  1. Julie on June 2, 2011 at 7:21 am

    I have dresses to wear that with.

  2. Cloudy on June 2, 2011 at 11:19 am

    Size S as in Sexy? I have not been a small since 8th grade! But so nice of you to offer it up!

  3. Melissa on June 2, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Damn! I should haven gotten up earlier 🙂

  4. Tamar on June 2, 2011 at 10:09 pm

    If Julie or Melissa don’t claim it, do you think it would fit me?