Youth and Stupidity

Keep Out

Keep Out, originally uploaded by hambox.

The planets align strangely this week, align in such a way that I feel maximum embarrassment at my past lives and the things that I did and did not do.

Today, the Nest of Vipers Podcast releases the latest episode titled “Young and Stupid” in which I, among others, recount a story of being (you guessed it) young and stupid. I shan’t recant any elements of the tale I tell in the ‘cast, but I do want to say here: I related a very confused and very short period of my life.

Adding to the hot-faced mishmash, I am continuing to prepare for next week’s Cringe Night, an evening of performers that plan to read excerpts from their own diaries. Oh and yes, I’m one of those performers; oh and yes: some extremely personal “firsts” will be shared with the world.

I am unsure why I am sharing all these small, mildy entertaining closet skeletons with anyone who possesses a set of ears. It might have something to do with testing the boundries of my strange new life — after all, there are no parents to be nervous about shaming — but what I think it boils down to is this: I was asked to do it. And, as some of you may find out, I’m kind of easy.

Young and stupid details:

Cringe Night details:

Wednesday, September 19: Cringe Night! Diary Entries read aloud!
With Becky Haycox, Larry Blum, Elizabeth Oyebode, Don Black, Ewan Chung! 8pm, $7.

Part of the The UkuLady’s Ponyshow at Theatre Asylum
6320 Santa Monica Blvd.
LA, CA 90038