hume dreams

Molly and I went to Hume Lake Campground this past weekend. Hume is nestled in the Sequoia National Forest, an area Molly and I like to frequent. We’ve daytripped to Hume before, but this is the first camping trip. Everything about this trip had a tinge of magic about it; we had been lazy about…

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tiny vandal

Years ago, in San Francisco, my friend Patricia was commissioned to paint some outdoor plywood walls that surrounded an art space’s expansion construction. Patricia created these cool murals of silhouettes of shadowy, featureless people. Then someone came by and spraypainted glasses on each face. Although Patricia was a little bummed that her work was vandalized,…

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the real eating holiday

I went to a fantastic Fourth of July party last weekend, hosted by the fabulous Gwen and Paul. I could not believe how much I managed to eat. The pork ribs were so good I simply could not stop. Except for the times I stopped to demand drinks from the host, often simply by grabbing…

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rawr and kapow

Black bears and thunderstorms, oh my! Wish us luck! I love getting ready for camping, gathering all the stuff for the camp box. Here’s an early version of the camp box, way back in 2003. I love the camp box! It has everything you need! Well, everything but stuff you may need for black bears…

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comments on shopping.

Some observations after my stereotypical retail therapy spree: This is a very good time to find jackets, especially leather and/or winter ones, at the thrifts. A hot day in SoCal — those babies aren’t going anywhere except into my greedy hands. And I found a leather jacket that is almost perfect and was $24. I…

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stereotype, but i’m fine with it

I’m feeling a bit rebounded from the blues that I had last night, thanks for asking (i’m being sarcastic, shhhhh.. so quiet around here .. anyone sick of this blog as much as me?) I still have this remarkable and unsettling free-fall feeling when I think about the turmoil around me. I wish there were…

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hi, low

Do you ever get this? The weird melancholy after an extended time of delight? I had such a great three-day weekend. There was running, there were naps, there was perfect weather. My boyfriend brought me a bouquet of flowers from his garden. I played in one of the funnest improv shows I’ve played in. I…

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4th of july

This is another song that always gets me going. This version is a little silly, but oh, come on. America at its best, far as I’m concerned. Happy Independence Day to you, Sirs and Madames. Yankee Doodle Dandy [direct link]

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and what did you do this summer?

My sister Ann and her husband Mark are currently on a road trip through Canada and the US. She’s keeping a delightful blog about it. I’m not sure she’d want me to announce the link to the world at large, but if you’re interested in reading it, message me and I can give it to…

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time machine in my neighboring city

The old Woolworth’s Building in Oxnard now houses a nice little restaurant. Oxnard is a puzzling city, to say the least. “Whimsy” or “Respect for the Past” does not immediately spring to mind when contemplating Oxnard. However, the Woolworth’s building is preserved and quite lovely. And behind the restaurant, in the hallway, is a mini…

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