and max fun was had <-- genius headline

Last weekend I attended MaxFunCon, a, um, creativity conference with emphasis on humor, podcasting and John Hodgman? Something like that? It was a weekend at a fancy resort-like place on Lake Arrowhead, where there were performances, readings, games, crafting, and so much more.

I had a spectacular time. As you might remember, life is a little stressful these days, so a fantastic and unplanned perk occurred on the front end – we got there 4 hours early, so we killed time by swimming (lake and pool) and sleeping in the hot and gorgeous weather.

by the pool

We stayed in two-person mini-chalets, almost completely private. Even though it was a packed schedule, I had many moments to relax, be by myself, and feel vacation-y. I’m so grateful for that.

I’m throwing around “we” here — I carpooled up there with some nice Portlandians, who of which are pictured here.


Kiel and Christine. Not pictured: Colin. Very nice people. Grateful for that too.

I saw and listened to a lot of stuff. Lots of these two:


Jordan Morris, Jesse Thorn on left. Ashkon on right.

I also heard Susan Orlean and Mary Roach speak, which was a treat, oh gracious. Mary and I got along like a house afire — since I admire her hilarious and graceful writing above all others, I’m not surprised that she’s equally delightful in person.

I also saw a cavalcade of comedians, including the excellent Maria Bamford.


She was another one I enjoyed talking to, she was so neat.

Everyone was neat. Attendees, presenters, performers — all were open and friendly and accessible. I only had a couple of moments where I didn’t enjoy myself, but the steady flow of alcohol washed away all bad vibes eventually.

I also did the mother of all double takes as all the bloggers I read every week marched in together: Dooce, Mighty Girl, Fussy, and Finslippy. It was like beholding the Plastics, except that they’re the bizarro version — super nice and adorable instead of hellbent on destruction.

I took a podcasting workshop/forum thing with Roman Mars (his podcast is one of my favorites) and got some really useful tip about getting “genuine” audio from interviews.

I also attended a pub quiz. I am glad I’ve been trivia-ing on a weekly basis, as I curated a crack team and gave us a good chance of winning. However, deciding on Hammarubi over Napoleon was our undoing — we came in second.


Jessie Char (score/time keeper), John Hodgman (Pub Quiz co-host and famous guy), ME, Chuck Bryant (co-host of the pub quiz and of the Stuff You Should Know podcast.).

I danced my booty off at the Country Estate party. I was so glad I put together the right outfit, and remembered the fact I had a brown plaid cape and a monocle in my closet, just before leaving the house.

country estate party

Good stuff.

More MaxFunCon 2012 photos by me here


  1. cloudy on June 12, 2012 at 10:26 am

    That sounds so fun, especially the relaxing by the pool part. Luckily you had the monocle on stand-by.