before mommy and daddy got divorced and the lawyers got all grabby

Who the hell knows when Project Runway will be back on, and if? I mourn for the innocent days of 2005, when I watched Jay win and felt a zing of excitement — reality television can be good, so very good. And remember 2007, when Santino commented on my blog? Oh, man.

I try to ignore keep up, in lukewarm fashion, with the brouhaha surrounding Season Six (due to the really confusing lawsuit around the show) via Blogging Project Runway.

Recently there were rumors that Britney Spears will be a celebrity judge for Season Six (if it even fucking airs). I responded in the comments:

If Brit is a judge, then we can mark the exact moment that PR has officially jumped the shark.

A dude named frogponder replied:

Not only jumped the shark but fallen in the shark pen, been eaten, digested and pooped out the other end.

I totally feel like I’ve been pooped out the other end. Greed has made this all un-fun, and my anticipation for Season Six (if it even fucking airs) is fading. One of my few really happy television experienced is getting all tarnished and icky.

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  1. cloudy on January 16, 2009 at 9:51 am

    I love love love project runway. You must have shit when Santino left a comment. This whole weird crap is annoying & I hope it gets figured out soon. I will still watch it despite the Fonzi-leanings.

  2. Tristy on January 16, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    Oh my sweet, I am so thankful for this post and expressing what I could not. The first season was so so SO good and then we no longer had cable so my watching became haphazard, at best. But Santino was magical and I love his Red Lobster songs. But I haven’t watched any other seasons because I fear I will disappointed. I hold tight to the faith with you…!