Violet and I had a pretty perfect day on Sunday, since it involved pedi foot care, Rice Crispy Treats, and lots of lots of gabbing.
One of our favorite topics to discuss is the Baby Boomers and their continuing influence on America. Oh, and how annoying they are. This, of course, is not to bash directly my siblings, all of whom are Boomers. It’s more about the “Old Guys Rule” culture, aka the Golden Boomers. I’m apologizing to you, Violet, for making you watch this atrocity, the icky distillation of what we were talking about:
Then there’s the other thing, this feeling that the Boomers, once they realized that their numbers and their idealism weren’t going to change the world, just kind of gave up. There is effective legacy, sure (thank you, feminism!) but. But.
My dear friend Ukulady captures it pretty damn well:
These are times [of] Resignation mired in Capitalism. “Shrug, sigh, oh well, the ’60’s movement didn’t work; there’s a serious water problem, toxic-waste everywhere, politicians have learned nothing from the last 1000 years, human genes will either mutate & get with the program or die-off, so I may as well make some money so I can afford to live in a non-polluted part of planet earth….Mmmm, French Fries…”
Eh, who am I kidding, most of us have given up, Boomers or no. By the way, I’m a 13th Generation-er, not a late-age Boomer, thank you very much.
I apologize for my yelling, I really do. I was just overcome with rage when I saw the Hawaiian shirted dorks jamming in the barn, which rage was superseded by temporary insanity when I learned what the dorks and their golden retriever were advertising.
So, in short: thank you for giving me something to do this evening.