campaign season no more: bedroom set refresh

Or, How I’ve Learned to Distrust DIY Blogs (again)

I have no idea why I decided to take on repainting a bedroom set when there were so many other pressing projects to do in this house. Maybe I thought it would be quick and easy since design blogs make projects like these look quick and easy. Lies, lies!


This set (dresser and two nightstands) is Colormates by Morris. This is campaign-style furniture which seems to be something people on the internet are interested in these days. I don’t know how long my mom had this set, but it was thrashed. Honestly, the furniture was not that well-made to begin with (made with some MDF, all fittings brass-plated), and its life near the ocean took its toll. Corrosion and rust all ovah. So, restoration was out and making it look somewhat better was in. Because, though I put it down, the furniture has a very pleasing side and shape and holds my chonies* well.


Salty air = not nice to any surface.

Okay, here’s the rant. I fell prey to what the internet does best — showing people what they want to see. I searched some blogs for the best method to paint a project like this. I saw a similar dresser somewhere, but it wasn’t a realistically detailed how-to, more like: “Look at the awful before! Look at the gorgeous after! How did I do it? Just aimed some spray paint at it and voila!”

Dumb me. What I didn’t factor was the fact I had three pieces, with significantly more surface area than what I was looking at. Also, my painting area was through the house, out the back door, and down a pathway. Also, these pieces weigh a lot.

Took forever. After two cans of spray paint and the dawning realization that I was doing it all wrong, I took the can to my local store and had them match it. A pint of paint and a roller later, I was much closer to done. I could paint the items in the more conveniently-located front driveway.


Color: Rustoleum’s Painter’s Touch, Slate Blue, Satin.

Painting the pulls also was time-eating. Sanding, brushing, wiping. Spray paint was actually the right choice this time, but it look a while to get all the nooks as well as the crannies. I did a poly top coat, too.

drawer pulls, painted (not that well)

I poly top-coated the other pieces, too. I believe in that.


This photo was taken back before I realized how much more damn painting needed to be done.

So, voila. You’re going to see more of the complete set in future photos, when the carpeting won’t make you cry. By the way, each piece was topped with glass, because people of a certain generation loved to have their furniture weigh as much as humanly possible at all times.




Bonus makeover shot. Mailbox. I’m tired.

Dresser redo



  1. Jeana on July 10, 2013 at 3:48 pm

    Ah, I love a good, hilarious Becky read! Great shade of blue! Are the corner pieces going back on? The bonus mailbox makeover looks lovely, too. And I’m always pleased to see other people use the word “chonies.”

  2. hambox on July 10, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    The corners pieces got extra-thrashed as they had to be pried off… and personally I think campaign pieces can get fussy-looking. Although I’m all for it done the right way, like here: