can’t put it off any longer

I’m off to the Department of Motor Vehicles! Hooray! There’s a whole lot of paperwork for the two us to get done!

After I try to sort out two separate snarled tangles of bureaucracy for two cars, then I get to take the new (to me) car to see how much I can pay the mechanic to make it stop making a low-hooting/squeaking noise. Oh, and what it will take to make it start, since last time I checked, it didn’t start.

This is on the heels of an agonizing day of car repair (ruptured brake line!) yesterday.

I am liberally peppering this post with exclamation points! Because otherwise I’m gonna start using bullets! Bullet points!

What!? Did I just make an awesome or horrible joke? I don’t care!


  1. Violet on August 23, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    You made a joke worthy of Michael Scott. Best of luck with your car repair/DMV visit.