I work at a university Physics Department, Monday through Wednesday. It’s a good fit, great bennies, awful (AWFUL) commute, low stress. Pretty decent. Except for that commute (sorry, but I live in SoCal now. Traffic is a perpetual scab pickin’ subject).
But man, for some reason, this week was kicked into some kind of delicious bonus level of fun! The best, on Tuesday: BOMB SCARE! Check out the flickr set for the thrilling lowdown. Who can I talk to about officially changing the bomb robot’s name to L.E.S.T.E.R. 2000? And, though the other parts of the week were not as exciting, it was good times. Special secret shoutouts to KO and RY! How excellent you are.
I deserve to have a happy work environment after the series of ridiculous missteps called the 2000s.
Too bad today sucked like you couldn’t believe. The love-army of sparkling unicorns just couldn’t make it through the thicket of evil.
But hey: you’re more than welcome to track down the original prints of these, frame ’em up and give ’em to me for my 21st birthday, which is coming up. All lies! Except the prints. Aren’t they incredible? I might die from the beauty.
Alright, people, look below. You have homework to do.
Yo! 🙂 I love reading your blog… Such a nice break from the wonderful world of … physics main office/advising … stuff.
Ah, Kerri, you’re a sweet one. I do not regret making this comment happen with all the niceness pouring in. Of course I’ll regret it when the flamers arrive, but right now it’s all honeymoon.