EEK!tober — pictures of scaredy cats

Nightmare Fear Factory — Haunted house attraction in Niagara Falls snaps pictures of terrified humans as they walk through the tour. I must admit, I laughed and laughed. [link]

[via boingboing]

Roller Coaster Faces — some of these are a little NSFW-ish, some are dumb, but some are high hilarity. I wish I had a copy of the picture of my friend Brian on that vertical drop ride in Las Vegas; his look of pure, absolute, primal terror makes me weep with laughter. [link]

Jeff and Troy pretending to be scared on the haunted house ride at the Ventura County Fair — they fake it cutely, though, no?

Ventura County Fair 2011

Me looking a lot less scared than I was on the Haunted House ride at the Ventura County Fair — I thought all the cars to the ride were attached, so I clamored in on the car behind my friends, assuming I would go through the ride with them. But no, I was solo, and Violet was there to snap my pic as I was being groped by a phantom hand at the end of the ride. I may laugh at pictures of scaredy cats, but I am the scaredyest of all.

me, scared


  1. Jeanie on October 26, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    You make me laugh! I miss you.