
I like clothes and style and all that. I’m not a magazine-reading, credit card-maxing label ho, don’t get me wrong. I try to use my sister Ann as my style beacon and role model — a girl who never spends anything but deep bargain/thrift prices, but always, always dresses well.

Now look at this excellent video, 100 years of fashion:

[direct link]

Now read this excellent blog, Fashioni.st. I love that Mai lady! We used to be colleagues without knowing it, way back when. Thanks to this blog, I feel like I’m keeping sneaky surveillance on what the cuties are wearing in SF.

Now read this other excellent blog, nerdboyfriend. It’s genius — they post a picture of a Hot Boy then offer up suggestions, fashion-wise, of how to recreate the look. I fall in love several times a week. Go through their archives and find that picture of Paul Newman on a boat. Holy mama.

That’s Lucian Freud. Hot Boy, RIP.



  1. Mai on September 1, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    Becky! From “the zoo behind the zoo” as I liked to call it. Do you remember that once you invited me over to an excellent Easter gathering that had a lamb-shaped cake and a phonograph DJ? One of the best Easter gatherings I’ve ever had the pleasure of being invited to. Thank you for the site props, glad to make contact with you, if only virtually. Cheers.

  2. Violet on September 1, 2011 at 10:20 pm

    What a gorgeous profile he had. I’m a sucker for good bone structure.