Hambox Us Every One

The 2008 Hambox Advent Calendar is now online! www.beckyhaycox.com/advent2008

This is an exciting year — the Hambox Advent Calendar has gone collaborative. Friends and family will take over certain dates of this calendar, and will bring you exciting treats throughout the month.

You can subscribe to the Hambox Advent Calendar’s RSS feed.

Today’s Advent Deliciousness

December 1, 2008 — Get Prepared for the Onslaught! We’ll give you the tools to adequately prepare for and monitor this holiday season. Dress up your desktop, keep a spy-cam eye on Santa, and use the internet to make sure that you will not miss out on Jesus’s birthday.


  1. hambox on December 1, 2008 at 9:34 am

    I received an email from Alex K, the mad genius behind “Alek’s CONTROLLABLE Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease” (http://www.komar.org/cgi-bin/christmas_webcam), who was featured on Day 1 of the advent calendar:


    I saw your Advent Calendar Post about how the “insanity continues along with the exuberant web design.” Excellent description and I got a morning chuckle out of it.

    “insanity” was not only hilarious, but an accurate description.
    You were also dead-on with the Web0.0 design.

    Keep up the good humor,

  2. regina on December 1, 2008 at 10:46 am

    YAY for the Hambox Advent Calendar!

    I LOVELOVELOVE the screensaver graphic you created.

    You must really really luv us.


  3. hambox on December 1, 2008 at 10:57 am

    Thanks, Regina! And thanks for the heads-up on the fact that Alek created a customized welcome message on his nutso site! What a guy: http://www.komar.org/cgi-bin/christmas_webcam or see a screenshot of the message here: https://beckyhaycox.com/advent2008/images/08_hambox_surfer.jpg.

    And I do, I do, I do luv all of you.

  4. cardiogirl on December 1, 2008 at 10:58 am

    How did I forget about the Hambox Advent Calendar? I really enjoyed last year’s calendar and I’m looking forward to this year’s offerings.

    I love the rabbit on the bottom right. Tres chic.

  5. cloudy on December 1, 2008 at 11:42 am

    You are the coolest.

  6. polly on December 1, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    Dude, color me excited! Yay!

  7. kerri on December 2, 2008 at 5:31 am

    I love the advent calendar theme – it’s beautiful! 🙂