happy birthday, kid
I don’t know if iCal does this to everybody, but if I don’t input the year of birth into a contact’s birthday field, the year defaults to whenever the record was updated (or, in this case, imported from my database program into the native “Contacts” program.)
So I get these popup alerts for loved ones’ birthdays, but many of them are only 2 or 4 or 5 years old, according to iCal. I happen to know for a fact that none of my contacts are really that young. I suspect that Lisa L from the above example is 12 or 13, at least.
I do enjoy this silly glitch, and I always take a moment to imagine my friend at the age that iCal tells me they are.
So, happy fourth, little Lisa L! Eat cake, run around, wear a party hat!
I am continually confounded by Apple’s iCloud/Cal/Etc “software”. I keep thinking one of these years that they will bug free, but there always seems to be some issues. (BTW, I’m just seeing a broken link for the image above)
I’m in total agreement, RB — this glitch is the only one (of many many glitches) that doesn’t irritate the hell out of me! Here is a direct link to the image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hambox/10729842685/
I believe you’re about 5 in my calendar!
I’m glad you explained this! I told my friend Phillip that iCal had me celebrating his fifth birthday, and he said it was his inner child’s age. I think you’re both right.
Oh, I like that explanation MUCH better, Mariella.