haunted by putty-eye neon monkeys

Pervis through a lens, darkly

Important Breaking News at the Ventura County Star

Most musical headline:
Man stabbed, not shot, in Simi Valley parking lot
Repeat that headline outline in a singsong manner. Perhaps add another line. And a chorus! Then sing “Stabby Song” to your relatives tomorrow until someone throws a drumstick at your head.

The other important story the day after Obama’s election:
Dog trapped under car is rescued

“Today the tail’s wagging,” the owner said. “We feel so lucky.”

Just plain good news:
Haircuts for heroes

Jail for man who hit dad with hammer
High winds will likely die down

Most meta:
Ventura County Star delivery person robbed of vehicle, newspapers

On Sale at the (can’t quite believe they haven’t changed their name) Oriental Trading Company

  • Animated Soft Leg
  • Inflatable Wedding Cake
  • Putty-Eye Neon Monkeys
  • Squeezable Sticky Cows

Just to Confound Googling Perverts

Nuns clamming!

Other Bloggers Have Much More Interesting Lives then I

Craig Robinson went for a walk with his friend along the Thames. They discussed how disgusting various quantities of different food might be.

For example; eating a square metre of fried egg white. Or eating a brick of marzipan. Drinking a pint of hot butter, or a pint of aspic. Having a leaf-blower blow a crushed croissant’s flakes right down your throat. Or wearing a complete fried chicken’s skin as a helmet and eating your way out.

On That Note

Have a good Thanksgiving.


  1. cloudy on November 26, 2008 at 11:29 am

    Ooh, fun post all the way around.

    Man stabbed, not shot, in Simi Valley parking lot
    He’s cold, not hot, and now his wound wont ever clot

    Dear Becky, I do not want to post anymore. Thank you.